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"I accumulated small but consistent habits that ultimately led to results that were unimaginable when I started."

James Clear

The BodySense Book & Journal and the BodySense book for Fitness & Health Professionals, written by Monica Franke, is designed to provide you with the support, structure and space to create new and lasting habits to improve both your physical and mental health. 

About the Author

Pathway in Eucalyptus Grove

Our relationships with ourselves and others can often be challenging.

Breaking habits & making change can be confronting.

In the BodySense Book & Journal, you'll explore:

How to establish boundaries and how to balance them in all areas of your life.

The science & practice of moving from comfort to growth.

Safely attuning to your body sensations and emotions, and how to make meaning of these

Monitoring menstrual cycle strengths and slow-downs.

How to notice and make meaning of what you're feeling.

Optimising a new food story.

Strategies for staying on track when you're inclined to self-sabotage. 

 Monica Franke

Osteopath, Counsellor & Movement Expert.
Owner of Clinic on the Green.

Monica is a body, mind and movement expert and the founder of the ME2ME Programme. 


Using her experience and expertise as a qualified osteopath and counsellor, and with a umber of qualification sin teaching movement, she helps both men and women to breathe better, move better, feel better and celebrate their own fullest capacity. 


This journal is one part of her offering in helping people create their own bridge to a life of thriving and celebration. 

Monica Franke - Me2Me Wellbeing Journal Author
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